1. Hi, John. It's me. Ring me. 鍡紝绾︾堪銆傛槸鎴戙傛墦鐢佃瘽缁欐垜銆 2. Hi, John. It's me again. Ring me. Quick! 鍡紝绾︾堪锛屽張鏄垜銆傛墦缁欐垜锛屽揩鐐癸紒 3. Hi, John. It's Mary. What's wrong with your cellphone? Please give me a call as soon as possible.鍡紝绾︾堪銆傛垜鐜涗附鍟︺備綘鐨勬墜鏈烘庝箞鎼炵殑锛熻灏藉揩鎵撶數璇濈粰鎴戙 4. Hello, Mr. Smith, this is Jonathan calling from the Bilingual Weekly. Can you call me when you get this message? My number is 2698-3500. 鍠傦紝鍙插瘑鏂厛鐢燂紝鎴戞槸銆屽弻璇懆鎶ャ嶇殑寮虹撼妫傚惉鍒扮暀瑷璇蜂綘鎵撲釜鐢佃瘽缁欐垜銆傛垜鐨勭數璇濆彿鐮佹槸2698-3500銆 5. Hey, John. I've got something urgent to tell you. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. 鍢匡紝绾︾堪锛屾垜鏈夌揣鎬ョ殑浜嬭鍛婅瘔浣犮傝浣犲湪鍚埌鐣欒█涔嬪悗灏藉揩鎵撶數璇濈粰鎴戙 6. Hi, John. This is Paul. I'm calling to ask you about our contract. Can you call me when you get home? 鍡紝绾︾堪銆傛垜鏄繚缃椼傛垜鎵撶數璇濇槸瑕侀棶浣犲叧浜庡悎绾︾殑浜嬫儏銆備綘鍥炲埌瀹跺悗鍙笉鍙互鎵撲釜鐢佃瘽缁欐垜锛 7. Hey, John. I've been trying to locate you. Where are you?! Please call me whenever you can. Bye! 鍠傦紝绾︾堪銆傛垜涓鐩存兂鍔炴硶鍦ㄦ壘浣犮備綘璺戝摢鍎垮幓浜嗭紵锛佹柟渚跨殑璇濊闅忔椂鎵撲釜鐢佃瘽缁欐垜銆傛嫓锛 8. Hi, John. It's Mary. I'm outside, and I didn't bring my cellphone with me today. I'll call you again in about half an hour. Talk to you later. 鍡紝绾︾堪锛屾垜鐜涗附鍟︺傛垜浜哄湪澶栭潰锛岃屼笖浠婂ぉ韬笂娌″甫鎵嬫満銆傛垜澶х害鍦ㄥ崐灏忔椂涔嬪悗杩樹細鍐嶆墦缁欎綘銆傚緟浼氬効鍐嶈亰銆 9. Hi, John. It's me. I just want to make sure if you got my e-mail last night. Let me know if you got it. 鍡紝绾︾堪銆傛槸鎴戙傛垜鍙槸鎯崇‘瀹氫綘鏄ㄦ櫄鏈夋病鏈夋敹鍒版垜鐨勩屼紛濯氬効銆嶃傛敹鍒扮殑璇濓紝璇峰憡璇夋垜銆 10. Hello, Mrs. Nancy. This is John calling from the Taiwan News. Please call me when you get this message. My office number is 2698-3500. If I'm not at the office, you can reach me on my mobile phone. The number is: 0931-123-123. 鍠傦紝鍗楄タ濂冲+銆傛垜鏄屽彴婀捐嫳鏂囨柊闂汇嶇殑绾︾堪銆傚惉鍒扮暀瑷璇锋墦鐢佃瘽缁欐垜銆傛垜鍔炲叕瀹ょ殑鐢佃瘽鏄2698-3500銆傚鏋滄垜涓嶅湪鍔炲叕瀹わ紝浣犲彲浠ユ墦鎴戞墜鏈猴紝鍙风爜鏄0931-123-123銆 |